
Knowledge Nuggets

Knowledge Nuggets

A mind-blowing quiz with questions about evolution, AI, science, DNA, climate, and everything you need to know to survive the 21st century

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Can You Tell Rembrandt From AI?

Today, algorithms compete with great art and literature

Don’t Believe Things That ‘Everybody Knows’

Can you really see the Great Wall of China from space?

Should We Colonize Other Planets?

On the implications of terraforming other planets

The Only Species That Opposes Same-Sex Activity

Is same-sex behavior natural?

The Autonomous Weapons Arms Race

Will future wars be fought by robots?

The Mystery of the Shortest Human Species

There once lived an actual dwarf human species

How Will Our Senses Evolve in the Future?

There’s a lot to learn from the evolution of senses

How Can We Fight Epidemics?

When did epidemics begin, and which one was the deadliest?

Is There a True God?

Who gets to decide which god is real? And what will gods look like in the future?

Could You Beat a Chimp in a Brain Test?

Some animals outperform humans in certain tasks. With genetic engineering this can change

Will We Survive the Sixth Extinction?

We have a lot to learn from past extinctions

Would You Like to Live Forever?

The race for the elixir of life is underway

Can You Spot the Human Embryo?

This may prove much more difficult than you think

From Ancient Myths to Superhero Comics

What’s humanity’s oldest creation story?

Are These People Real or AI?

Surely you can distinguish real faces from AI-generated ones, right?

Should We De-extinct Animals?

Scientists are working to bring back extinct species. Exciting or creepy?

How Much of a Cat Are You?

How much DNA do you share with your cat?

Do You Need a Big Brain to Be Intelligent?

The answer is more complicated than you might think

The Stones That Made Us

Toolmaking gave us more than you might think

How Many Human Species Exist Today?

Believe it or not, there are ghosts in our DNA

Did Animal Domestication Go Too Far?

Domestic animals make up a huge 66% of the biomass of vertebrates on earth

Did Gandhi Really Say That?

Can you tell real from fake? Let’s test your knowledge

Coming soon

Are We More Evolved Than Cockroaches?

You may not be the only one who deserves an A++ score in the Evolution Course

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The Grain That Domesticated Humans

The dramatic and incredible consequences of domesticating wheat

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How Ancient Are the Pyramids, Really?

And what will the 22nd century’s monuments look like?

Coming soon

Where Did the Alphabet Come From?

The history of writing has some unexpected twists and turns