
How Ancient Are the Pyramids, Really?

How Ancient Are the Pyramids, Really?

Of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, only 1 remains standing: the pyramids. What does that mean?

Humans have been building monuments longer than they have been farming. A monument made of mammoth bones has been found, and dated at 25,000 years old! That’s long before the Megaliths at Göbekli Tepe in Turkey (11,500 years ago), the Tarxien temples in Malta (about 5000 years ago) and even the famous pyramids of Giza (built only about 4,500 years ago). When you come to think about it, the pyramids are not so ancient, compared to other monuments.

Sadly, most of humanity’s monuments have not survived. Of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, only 1 remains standing: the pyramids. Although they look imposing, these monuments are fragile, and it’s up to us to protect the ones we still have.

Class Activity

  1. Divide the class into several groups.
  2. Pick one of the questions from the list below and let each group discuss it and then present their thoughts to the class; Alternatively, assign each group with a different question, and when they present it to the class ask the remaining groups for their thoughts as well.‍


  1. Archeologists believe that some temple complexes, such as that in Göbekli Tepe in Turkey, were built before the first human sedentary settlements. Do you think religion is an essential component of being human?
  2. The pyramids were built 4,500 years ago and are still standing. What human made monuments do you think will still be here 4,500 years from now?
  3. How will your home town, village or city look like 500 years from now? Do you think it will still exist?
  4. Which bears better witness to human nature: great monuments or great literature?
  5. What will the 22nd century’s monuments look like?

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