What is the Opposite of Nature?
What is the Opposite of Nature?
What’s the missing word?
Richard Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983) was an innovative and inspiring American futurist who designed and developed numerous inventions in architecture. He popularized the term “Spaceship Earth”, which views the planet as a ship sailing through space, requiring a harmonious crew and an ecological approach to resources.
Group Activity
These activities are great starting points for discussions and classes. You can use them all or choose one option.
- Give each person the same incomplete quote.
- Ask group members to think about what word is missing from the quote. They could also use their imagination to come up with a funny or nonsensical word that makes the completed quote strange or humorous.
- When all group members have discussed their words, reveal what the correct word is.
- Ask group members if they agree with the statement in the quote.
- Divide the group into several teams and give each team the same incomplete quote.
- Each team should discuss and agree on what they believe the missing word is.
- Then, each team should present their complete quote, and if the teams have different versions, each team should explain their reasoning and defend their choice of word.
- After the debate, reveal what the correct word is.
- Ask the group members if they agree with the statement in the quote.
- Assign each person a different quote from the list on Quote Quest.
- Ask group members to think about what word/s is/are missing from their quote. They could also use their imagination to come up with a funny or nonsensical word that makes the completed quote strange or humorous.
- Ask each person to read the quote with their choice of word.
- Give each person the complete quote with the correct word and ask them to read it again and say whether they agree with the statement in the quote.
- Ask group members if they can think of a current event or an event from their own lives that corresponds with the quote. You could also ask them if the quote relates to a tv show, movie, game or book that they know.
- Ask group members to make up their own quote or saying. If they had one message to convey to the world, what would it be?